When it comes to convenience, even we must admit that a visit to the local discount department store is typically the fastest, most cost effective way to go. Why not go somewhere you can purchase apples, batteries and a pair of shoes all at once? While that discount department store carries a number of generic items I use every day, it won't carry the things I prefer. And, isn't that what it all comes down to in the end? Preference.
At dentist offices across America, and abroad, office managers, assistants, and purchasing agents are challenged with finding reliable products for reasonable prices. Unfortunately, not every one stop shop has their dentist's preferred tools.
A&M Instruments meets this challenge head on by providing an extensive line of diamond and carbide dental burs and discs. So, whether you use single-patient-use or multi-use diamonds; prefer Ultra Fine, Extra Fine, Fine, Medium, Coarse, or Super Coarse grit; or use Christmas Trees for shaping or polishing resin fillings, Footballs to do occlusal reductions for crown preps, or to cut bevels for bonding, Flames for trimming the edges of fillings smooth against a tooth surface, tiny Balls for cutting retention features, or large Balls for excavation of caries, A&M Instruments has the tool you need.
Backed by 40 years of manufacturing excellence and unparalleled quality control standards, A&M Instruments' diamond and carbide dental burs and discs allow you the flexibility to choose the options that suit your personal preferences as well as your procedural needs. A&M’s FG diamond burs, whose multi-layered select diamonds result in fast, smooth cuts, even snagged a “Recommended” score in our product evaluation, with 87 percent of the Dental Product Shopper evaluators who used the product in their practices telling us they would recommend the burs to colleagues.
Reliable, long lasting, and competitively priced, A&M Diamond Instruments offer the tools you prefer while improving your patents' satisfaction and lowering your operating costs. To view A&M Instruments' complete line of products, visit them here.